Webinar for church leaders

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FREE WEBINAR  Wednesday, April 17, 2024 (1-2 pm)


Not all church records are historic. Church stewardship also encompasses the records your church is producing today. This might include vital records, meeting minutes, financial documents, and legal records, among others. Some need to be kept for a set period of time and can then be safely disposed of, while others will have lasting historic value.

In this virtual workshop, Billy McCarthy and Zachary Bodnar will discuss the retention schedule, a policy document which lays out how records created today will be handled in the future. Creating such a document ensures that record keepers who come after you have a clear guide to what has been preserved and what should be preserved in the future.

Join us for this next program in the Congregational Library & Archives’ Church Stewardship Initiative, a series devoted to empowering churches to steward and preserve their valuable records. In this program, the CLA’s archivists Billy and Zachary will present a model retention schedule, speak to how federal and state regulations may affect the policy, and explain how to implement such a policy at your church.

The event is free to all, but registration is required via this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Hp1nju97RtiYqqE_pHbTrw.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the webinar.

For more information, please email programs@14beacon.org.